Summer is slowly coming to an end and autumn is on its way. For many companies, this is the time to take stock and check the functionality of all machines and tools.

In many places, budget preparations for the new year begin. And every team in the company has to determine relatively precisely in advance which new purchases will be necessary in 2025 and in what amounts so that they can be budgeted accordingly. It is therefore important to prepare the budget input at an early stage, as purchases outside the budget framework are generally difficult.

Ideally, however, it could also be that there is still budget available in the current operating year because a purchase was perhaps cheaper than expected or has not yet been ordered as planned. In this case, the machine and/or device could still be purchased this year. As a result, the machines and equipment would be ready for use promptly and a budget entry would no longer be necessary.

We at GRÜNIG are very familiar with this budget problem among our customers. Sweepers and attachments in particular tend to be overlooked in budget preparations, even though they make a huge contribution to increasing operational efficiency and reducing ongoing operating costs. We have already experienced situations in which the customer’s purchase became current, but the final order was delayed because the purchase was not planned in the current budget.

In short: Do you or one of your customers need a company-owned sweeper now or next year, either as a ride-on sweeper or for attachment to a carrier vehicle such as a forklift truck, wheel loader, tractor, farm loader and other work vehicles?

Or are you already preparing for winter and still need suitable winter service attachments? GRÜNIG has the full programme on offer.

Or are you planning to purchase a professional and efficient multifunctional work system for a wide range of tasks such as sweeping, mowing, mulching, transporting, excavating, drilling and winter maintenance? Then the extremely robust and powerful GRÜNIG Uni-Truck system, a multifunctional vehicle with countless customisable attachments, would be just the thing.

Do not hesitate to contact us.

We will be happy to provide you with uncomplicated and expert advice and prepare a suitable offer for your budget. We look forward to receiving many enquiries!

Best regards


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